Contactology plays an important role in our Center, in fact two contact scientists per week alternate for specialized visits. After a study of the ocular situation, the patient is advised on the lens suitable for his need
Offered Services
Specialized contact lenses
Sclerals (for irregular corneas, reduce the risk of corneal scarring and avoid surgery)
permeable gases (they transmit oxygen to the cornea through their porous structure, which makes them ideal to wear when you are practicing sport)
Hybrids (composed of a more rigid central part with permeable gas and a soft and comfortable external part)
Piggyback (similar to hybrids, consisting of a soft exterior and a more rigid inner part)
Cosmetic lenses (for trauma)
Night vision for myopia (orthokeratology, it allows to contain myopia in a progressive phase)
Keratoconus (for corneal defects)
Your optical center
Book your visit today and discover the contact lenses that best meet your needs.